Here's are kids point of view of the war :
'An army recruitment unit arrived at my village and demanded two new recruits. Those who could not pay 3000 kyats had to join the army.'
-Zaw Tun, 15
Burmese ex-army soldier
'I was so afraid of dying. But my friends warned me if the rebel commanders detected any fear in me they would kill me.
So I had to pretend to be brave.'
-Charles, 12
Rwandan refugee
When I get older,
I will organise a gang and seek my father's revenge.'
-Asif, 12
Afghan refugee,
'Two hundred gone, we pray that war in our country will stop quickly.
We also pray for their souls to rest in peace.'
-Charlie, 10
Sudanese refugee
'I just want to go home and be with my family.'
-Christopher, 12
'They abducted me but still they went ahead to kill my mother and father that night.'
-Richard, 12
Rwandan refugee
'I joined the army when I was young (at 15) without thinking much. I admired soldiers, their guns and crisp, neat uniforms.
I just wanted to fight the way they did in the movies and so I joined the army.'
-Htay, 21
Burmese ex-army soldier
In the RUF camps in Sierra Leone, the traumatised children are held and 'trained' usually for about two or three months.
The children are told
they will be killed if they disobey orders or try to escape.
Often they undergo a brutal initiation and have to kill or maim those who have attempted to flee.
'If you cry again
we'll kill you'
Abu's story
'When we are dancing we shoot'
David's juju song
In the Kamajors the children are initiated into 'secret societies'.
By following the rules of these 'societies' the boys are told that they will gain magical powers.
They come to believe that the 'juju' (magic) will protect them and stop the enemy bullets.
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